Sunday, February 6, 2011


It is 2:45 and the house is quiet - they boys are all ice fishing.  I called for one report, one had caught two fish and the other was, well, not as successful.  I am hoping there are no tears tonight from my younger, moodier child.  He starts drum today, so maybe that will help.  Kitty cat is by the front door looking at all the snow.  Sigh - more flakes.  It is warmer, but all that has meant is another icedam and a dripping bathroom ceiling,  spring can't come soon enough!  I keep checking on the studio - I can't wait for it to warm up a bit so I can start warping the rug loom.  Things to look forward to....
Trying to get up the motivation to read my backround information on teaching a small art segment to thirty 4th graders - the only disappointment is there are no textiles in this grouping of pieces from the MIA for art adventures.... but it still should be fun.  So glad I am not at the legislature!  It is nice to actually notice this time of year.....Making an effort to take one day at a time.  Thank you Dave.

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