Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

I've eaten so much today I am going to burst, seriously.  Girlfriend P and I headed to the Indian buffet at lunch, good excuse to get away from the cleaning that need to be done.... Tonight, after baby son's haricut, we stopped at Anonna Gourmet to pick up bread and some oil... which lead to two breads, two oils, lemon angel hair pasta and these heavenly caramel/chocolate bars.  Now I can even think straight... BUT, I have to say, the Le Creuset 4 1/2 qt pan was a fabulous investment!  Did chicken breasts with paprika, garlic, thyme and black pepper and it was fall apart good.  The kids had to choose between broccoli and carrots, and that was that.  
Horray!  Number one son made the honor roll again, missed highest honors by 1, yes 1, point.  We are very proud of him..... baby son.  They are really stepping up.  Today was a good day, and we like those.  Don't look too far back, don't look too far forward, we just have today....

Friday, February 11, 2011


What a fun day - had some of the girlies over for lunch, wine and whatever crafting suited whoever.  Mostly just to talk and laugh - and I am so grateful for them.  So easy to say what you mean - and not feel judged and silly.  If only everyone had such good pals.
One of our topics was if you could have plastic surgery - no worries about cost, recovery or anything else - would you?  And everyone would.  No boobs, no botox - mostly tummy tucks to get rid of the baby excess.  Maybe pants would be a little more comfortable, and wearing something a little tight wouldn't create a bout of self doubt.
Another was adolescent angst and worry - all of us have kids that range in age from 7-19; mostly boys.  The emotional rollercoaster is crazy - any way to ease the transition?  Make sure they feel OK about themselves?   Seems like it is more intense than when we were at that stage, or maybe because it is in the distant past we don't remember quite how overwhelming it feels.  Sometimes all you can do is pray and hope, and that is really difficult.  At least mine still hug me.
Have a great weekend, it is 30 degrees here and it feels fabulous!!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


It is 2:45 and the house is quiet - they boys are all ice fishing.  I called for one report, one had caught two fish and the other was, well, not as successful.  I am hoping there are no tears tonight from my younger, moodier child.  He starts drum today, so maybe that will help.  Kitty cat is by the front door looking at all the snow.  Sigh - more flakes.  It is warmer, but all that has meant is another icedam and a dripping bathroom ceiling,  spring can't come soon enough!  I keep checking on the studio - I can't wait for it to warm up a bit so I can start warping the rug loom.  Things to look forward to....
Trying to get up the motivation to read my backround information on teaching a small art segment to thirty 4th graders - the only disappointment is there are no textiles in this grouping of pieces from the MIA for art adventures.... but it still should be fun.  So glad I am not at the legislature!  It is nice to actually notice this time of year.....Making an effort to take one day at a time.  Thank you Dave.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A New Day

It's always hard to get started with anything new - so where to begin?
How about with what I am thankful for today?  That new heater thingy that is in our bedroom for one, it is finally warm enough (!) to run it, so now my feet aren't so cold!  I am thankful for that very large box of sock loopers in the hallway that we have been slowly sorting through, they will make beautiful rugs.  I am thankful both boys had good school quarters - remember to take one moment at a time.  I am thankful, so very thankful that my wonderful husband is on this jouney with me.  I guess that's a start!